Supporting Android developer communities worldwide through e-Learning, skill-building events, conferences and certification programs. Over 20 years driving technology and innovation in the semiconductor, consumer electronics, streaming media and software development industries. Fell in love with coding and tech in 1982 when Timex launched the Sinclair 1000 computer. Started coding in BASIC and saved code to cassette tapes. Crazy how far we have come!
Greg Fawson
Welcome Address & Quiz Show – Day Two
Let's kick off the day right with a quiz show and prize giveaway! Come prepared to answer droidcon, Android, Kotlin and general trivia questions. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners!
Talk Title
Welcome Address & Quiz Show
Let's kick off the day right with a quiz show and prize giveaway! Come prepared to answer droidcon, Android, Kotlin and general trivia questions. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place winners!