Been doing classic Android App development for 8 years.
Recently stepped into the Android Automotive thorny path: ready to share the pain.
Adore a clean comfort-oriented UX along with a well-tested, sanely modern – yet robust! – code.
Roman Illarionov
AOSP Development Environment: best practices, tips, and tricks.
There are so many people around the world working on the AOSP codebase and yet there is no common development environment has been defined.
In this talk, we want to start the discussion by showing what tools we use and how we use them.
We will take a look at Google's minimum hardware requirements and compare working locally to working remotely on another machine. For both of these options, we will discuss the pros, cons, and state-of-the-art tools best suited for the job.
Different types of AOSP work can benefit from different tools and approaches. To provide some examples, we will talk about changing the boot animation, changing the Android framework configuration, and working on a system service within the AOSP codebase.
The talk will be full of practical advice.