Kai Koenig

Web and Mobile Software and Solutions Architect and Engineering Lead

Talk Title

S̶E̶Q̶U̶E̶L̶ SQL for Android Developers






16:20 > 40 min


on Twitter

The Structured English QUEry Language for databases turns 50 this year. In the world of Android development, databases play a crucial role in storing and managing data efficiently. With SQLite, it's possible to manage app data in relational databases on users' devices. However, with the plethora of object-relational mappers (ORMs) available, many developers don't know about - or just overlook - the raw power and flexibility offered by SQL - as we call SEQUEL nowadays. ORM libraries offer convenience, but they abstract away the underlying SQL, leaving developers unaware of the intricacies of database management.

Topics covered:

- SelectUpdateInsertDelete: the syntax and semantics of the 4 most commonly used SQL query types
- Data modelling for relational databases
- The technical database schema: tables, columns, views, keys and all the things!
- Advanced querying: getting complex datasets into and out of your database
- Managing database schemas on app updates
- Limitations of SQLite - and in particular SQLite on devices.
- Concurrency and security: is the database safe and secure? And can other apps access it? And what if my app sends multiple SQL queries to it at the same time?

By the end of this session, you'll walk away with a newfound appreciation for SQL and the confidence to use its full potential in your Android projects. As a side-effect, this talk will leave you with a much better understanding of what your backend dev teams might be dealing with when managing data on the server. It might even inspire you to dabble with server databases yourself and you'll be a more knowledgeable, all-round developer after attending this talk.

Let's learn about databases and SQL and let's celebrate 50 years of S̶E̶Q̶U̶E̶L̶ SQL.

Speaker Bio

With over 20 years of professional experience in web and mobile technologies, I’m a Software Architect and Engineering Lead who helps clients and employers to improve their technology stacks, to execute projects and tasks, and to provide hands-on development or architectural services.

I am also a technology writer and a certified instructor and trainer for Adobe and CompTIA, with a passion for sharing my knowledge and expertise with tech communities.

I have given frequent talks at conferences and meetups around the world, covering topics such as Android, Java, Kotlin, Flutter, Lucee, and other tech stacks. I have a university degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, and I am currently pursuing a master’s degree in Data Science. My mission is to create and deliver high-quality software solutions that solve real-world problems and add value to users and the industry.

A focus of my work is building for Android and Flutter as well as on JVM back end platforms and others like Ruby, Python and JavaScript/TypeScript. I spend most of my work time contributing to projects in various industries of all sizes, fulfilling the role of an Architect, Principal Engineer, Consultant or Coach/Mentor.
