Mehmet Burak Akgün

Senior Android Developer, Trendyol

Talk Title

Real-Time Communication in Android: HTTP, WebSockets, and SSE






11:10 > 20 min


on Twitter

In this session, I will explore the intricacies of real-time communication in Android applications, comparing the traditional HTTP request-response model with more dynamic alternatives like WebSockets and Server-Sent Events (SSE). I will discuss the advantages and use cases for each method, and demonstrate how to implement them in an Android app with a Ktor backend. The session will also showcase an open-source project I've developed as a practical example of these concepts in action. Attendees will learn how to choose the right communication protocol for their app's needs and how to integrate it effectively for a seamless user experience.

Speaker Bio

I’m a Senior Android Developer with over eight years of experience, having worked on various projects including product development and enterprise applications. I hold a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering. Since 2022, I have been residing in Berlin. I am passionate about app development, eager to learn new skills and enjoy creating user-friendly, scalable apps. I was one of the volunteers at Droidcon Berlin 23.
