Milos Marinkovic

Leading Teams @ Delivery Hero

Talk Title

ZePass: Digital Badges communicating






11:25 > 40 min


on Twitter

How do you feel about communicating with attendees without actually having to talk? Do like to wear a fancy digital badge that can be programmed? Do you feel both cannot be combined with an Android app?

Well then you came to the right talk! We are exploring how we build the software for our digital badge ("ZeBadge") that can not only display your favorite name, but also wirelessly communicate with other badges🆕, to share said name, but also any other information the user chooses.

Additionally we'll also talk about the Android app controlling the badge, reading out your wireless encounters and displaying random graphics and names on it: What protocol does the badge use to communicate with the app? How does the same code executed on the Web (KMP + ktor) and a quick reminder of how fancy black and white pixels can be.

Come join our wild ride and explore ZeBadge with ZePass! (Only one badge got harmed in the process of creating this talk)

Speaker Bio

I like to share ideas through presentations and writing. If you see something related to technology, I’ll probably like it. I am a software enthusiast, product developer, technical leader, speaker, event organizer, and avid skier.

My main interests are organizations, apps, cloud, electronics and smart devices. I also often read or listen about innovation, computer science, and organizational management.

In my spare time, I (try to) travel, speak at conferences, coach, and work on open-source projects.
