Monica Muntean

Senior Android Engineer at Deutsche Bank

Talk Title

Building a Scalable Multi-Product Android Platform






11:55 > 40 min


on Twitter

Scaling an Android app from a single-product to a multi-product mobile platform requires careful attention paid towards its overall architectural framework – particularly when moving towards a single codebase and multi-product platform.

In our upcoming talk we’ll explore both the benefits and downsides involved in managing several individual apps versus implementing one codebase supporting many distinct products simultaneously. With our insights you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to build an architecture to enable multiple products while avoiding the issues that come with managing multiple apps.

In this session we will:
- explain how we are using the Whitelabel concept for app branding
- deep dive into our Feature toggling system
- present how we manage multiple build targets
- describe our platform CI/CD workflows

Join us for an insightful discussion on building large-scale mobile platforms!

#featureToggles #whitelabel #appTargets #compose

Speaker Bio

Monica is a seasoned Android Engineer with over five years of experience in perfecting Android apps using Java and Kotlin. She balances her technical expertise with a strong commitment to promoting diversity in the Tech Industry and advancing innovation and collaboration among Engineers.
