Mustafa Khaled

Senior Android Developer at REWE International

Talk Title

Passwordless App with Passkey






10:25 > 40 min


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Most of the apps include a login feature, where the user should enter his username and password to be able to sign in.
However, passwords are easily forgotten and could be phished by hackers, and some apps force users to provide a strong password, which would be easily forgotten in the future.

Using Biometric login provides a more secure and easier way to sign in; however, it is still limited to the device itself, so if I'm using a platform that provides a mobile application and website, I can be signed in with the mobile device, but I can't be signed in with biometric on the website.

Passkey provides a seamless sign-in experience using biometric fingerprint or face recognition across all platforms, including mobile and websites.
With passkey, the user will have all sign-in options in one place, e.g., normal username and password, federated sign-in (such as sing-in with Google), and biometric. Which makes it easier and clearer for the user.
Passkey is new in Android 14 and has backward compatibility with Android 9, which will make it widely used in the future.

Speaker Bio

I’m experienced Android developer with over 5 years of industry expertise. With a strong passion for mobile app development, I honed their skills to create innovative and user-friendly applications with millions of downloads.
Besides developing Android applications. I like to guide and mentor juniors and starters developer. As a mentor at MentorCruise, I actively contribute to the growth and development of aspiring developers, sharing my knowledge and insights.

Currently, I’m an integral part of the dynamic team at REWE International AG, situated in Vienna, Austria. In this role, I contribute to the development of cutting-edge Android applications, backend development, focusing on enhancing the customer experience and optimizing business operations. Their commitment to staying updated with the latest industry trends and technologies ensures that they deliver robust and scalable solutions.
During my career, I had the opportunity to work at different companies, for example Vodafone, a leading telecommunications company. Not to mention working in banking sectors and Cryptocurrency industry.
