Petar Ljubic

Android Engineering Lead @Trivago

Talk Title

Feature Teams vs. Platform Pain: A Revisit of Danny Preussler’s Talk from Last Year






10:25 > 40 min


on Twitter

Revisiting Danny Preussler's insights in 'The Rise and Fall of Feature Teams,' my talk aims to provide a detailed, but different perspective on the same topic. Going beyond the basics of team structures, I'll go into the less obvious challenges that are blocking effective collaboration. In my opinion, the problem is not (only) inside the team, but outside of it as well. My presentation will uncover the deeper impact of Convey's law and the Product Owner's misunderstandings of User Stories, product value, and inability to communicate the goal to the developers. I'll propose practical solutions, including introducing a Tech Lead role, to enhance knowledge-sharing and enable Android developers to focus on their core tasks. Since I have experience as a Product Owner, Agile Coach, and developer as well, I will show examples of big and small companies, their organizations, struggles, and potential solutions. The main goal of this talk is to motivate Android developers to rethink the way they work and motivate them to inspect their organization and adapt, based on their needs and situation.

Speaker Bio

Android developer for circa 10 years
Agile Delivery Lead and Product Owner experience
