Peter K. Brandt

Peter K. Brandt, Principal Software Engineer @ Ergon

Talk Title

Surviving Telephony: How to keep your app awake to ensure user safety in a GSM phone app






16:20 > 40 min


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Android has become more and more strict in recent years about when your app is allowed to run and when it is forcefully put to sleep or even killed. Building an app that is almost "always on" and at the same time does something useful has become tough. We gained hands-on experience with these restrictions while we worked on a GSM telephony app for optimised group communication of the shunting workers of a major European railway operator.

In this session we present the key lessons learnt when creating a full-blown replacement of the standard Android telephony app for specific corporate use cases of complex voice communication scenarios. We also show how to overcome the fundamental challenges encountered when implementing mechanisms to keep the app always "alive and awake" so that it can ensure the physical safety of the users.

Join the talk and gain insights into the complexity of Android telephony and what you can do to keep your app "alive and awake" if needed.

Tags: safety, always on, telephony, GSM, doze mode, foreground process, wakelock, standby bucket, battery, railways

Speaker Bio

Peter is a Computer Scientist with degrees from TU München and ETH Zurich. His current role is Principal Software Engineer at Ergon Informatik AG in Zurich.

Peter has 15 years of experience in app development for Android since the times when Eclair and Gingerbread were still a fancy treat. He often works for clients in transportation and industry. In addition, he has knowledge in finance applications.

When he is not working with mobile or embedded devices, Peter is having fun creating IoT and backend applications, preferably in Kotlin or Java.

Based in Switzerland, Peter enjoys the beautiful Swiss nature whenever he can break away from the screen.
