Roman Zimmer

Senior Software Engineer at adesso mobile solutions GmbH

Talk Title

Gradle Convention Plugins for Android






15:45 > 20 min


on Twitter

## Abstract

Gradle is the de facto standard build management tool for Android apps. Over the time, though, the build logic in the project’s Gradle scripts may become quite messy and often violate the DRY principle of software development. Based on _Herding Elephants_ by Square and the build logic used in the _nowinandroid_ app by Google, we’ll see how so called _convention plugins_ help us develop clean and reusable build logic. You may even publish them to your company’s artifact repository like we did at _adesso mobile solutions_, so that many or even all of your Android apps may profit from centralized build logic. Tidy up your build logic today!

## Key takeaways and learning points

* disadvantages of the `buildSrc` folder
* advantages of using Gradle _convention plugins_ for your build
* best practices when using _convention plugins_

## Speaker’s experience level with this topic

I’m a Senior Software Engineer with a great passion for building Android apps. I gained hands-on experience during consulting and implementing all kind of build pipelines for many Android app projects in the last 10 years. Furthermore, I enjoy sharing my knowledge on this topic with others and thus gave some talks about it.

## Keywords

* gradle
* convention plugins

Speaker Bio

Roman Zimmer is a Senior Software Engineer with over 13 years of experience in agile software development working at adesso mobile solutions. He started his career by immersing in the Java backend world, but soon fell in love with Android app development. After years of contributing to a wide variety of Android projects, he developed a profound passion for enhancing accessibility and streamlining build management within the Android ecosystem.

Roman is a long-term droidcon Berlin visitor, who missed no conference since 2011, but waited until 2024 before giving his first talk. 
