Sergio Sastre Flórez

GDE for Android & Lead Android Developer at appDev

Talk Title

A Sneak Peek at the Screenshot Testing Landscape in 2024






12:20 > 20 min


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In recent years, screenshot testing has become an increasingly popular way to automate UI testing in Android applications, with new libraries and tools emerging regularly. This makes it hard to determine which ones are the best fit for your project.

In this lightning talk, we'll explore the most popular screenshot testing libraries and tools, including Google's brand new Compose Preview Screenshot Testing tool. We will highlight their unique features and analyse their pros and cons.

By the end of this session, you'll have the knowledge to confidently choose the optimal screenshot testing tools for your projects. Don't miss out on this opportunity to become a screenshot testing Ninja!

Speaker Bio

Google Developer Expert for Android with 10+ years of experience, currently consulting for Deutsche Bahn Systel. He’s worked for other well-known companies such as Check24, Liferando, AutoScout24, and Hermes Germany.

He is a passionate advocate for software testing and has authored numerous blog posts on the matter.

He has also contributed to open-source libraries on Android UI testing like KasperskyLab/Kaspresso and authored others, like Android Screenshot Testing Playground, which won a Google Open Source Peer Bonus award in 2024.

When not coding, he enjoys playing sports like football, running, rollerblading or snowboarding in the mountains.

loves challenges and making things happen.
