Tamás Bazsonyi

Solutions Engineer @ Bitrise

Talk Title

Getting to a green build with caching on CI






15:45 > 20 min


on Twitter

During this session we'll focus on the initial steps of configuring a remote build cache.

We'll integrate Bitrise Build Cache to the CI/CD flows, generate some initial benchmarks and will look at optimising the execution.

The session will give you an idea on where you are currently with your CI/CD setup and what could potentially be the next step on your journey to faster builds.

Speaker Bio

Tamas Bazsonyi is a member of the Solutions Engineering team at Bitrise working with customers in the EMEA region to implement CI/CD pipelines successfully that help them during their day-to-day jobs. During his career he’s been working as a Full Stack Developer, QA Engineer and also jumping into mobile app development. Some of his favourite topics are Test Automation and Automation in general.
