Thomas Künneth

Senior Android Developer @snappmobile_io

Talk Title

Unclutter your Jetpack – an opinionated look at Googles library collection






09:20 > 40 min


on Twitter

Remember when Google hit the Reset button to clean up the mess of its Android support libraries? Since then, a ton of new Jetpack libraries have been created. Some are obvious choices, like compose. Others you may not have heard of at all, for example palette and window. Depending on how we count, there are way more than 100 artefacts waiting to be added to our apps. If you are feeling lost you are not alone. In this talk, we'll look at what's there, what's useful, and what's obsolete. And you'll learn about a few true gems.

Speaker Bio

Thomas fell in love with Android in 2009. He has been constantly contributing to the community since then. Thomas loves writing books (four titles, 15 editions) and articles. He enjoys speaking at conferences and meetups. Thomas’ first encounter with programming was in the era of home computers during the early 1980s. Later came C, Perl and a few more. During the 90s he wrote a bunch of programs for the Atari ST series. The first decade of Thomas’ professional career centered around Java Enterprise. Today it’s all things Android and Kotlin.
