Vladimir Jovanović

Android Engineer at Block (TIDAL)

Talk Title

Remixing TIDAL App with Jetpack Compose






13:40 > 40 min


on Twitter

Join us as we take you behind the scenes of TIDAL's transformation, where we've reimagined our Android app's homepage with the modern beats of Jetpack Compose. This talk will reveal the motivations, challenges, and triumphs of aligning our Android experience with our iOS app, all while enhancing user interaction and architectural design.

We'll kick off by exploring why we decided to revamp our UI approach, striving for a cohesive functionality across platforms. We'll give you an inside look at the hurdles we faced and the victories we celebrated during our migration journey, offering an authentic glimpse into the evolution of our codebase.

Throughout the session, we'll demonstrate how Jetpack Compose has allowed us to streamline and maintain our code more effectively, boosting developer productivity in the process. You'll learn about the tools and methodologies that propelled our team's performance and the favorable outcomes for our users.

Additionally, we'll address the UI performance issues we encountered and the strategies we employed to resolve them, ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience.

As we conclude, we'll share practical takeaways and advice for teams contemplating a switch to Jetpack Compose. By the end of this talk, you'll understand the steps to successfully transition to this UI toolkit and how it can elevate your app development.

So, get ready to remix your UI development approach with us as we delve into TIDAL's journey with Compose. It's time to press play on a session that will tune you into the positive impact of UI development with Compose.

Speaker Bio

Vladimir Jovanović is a passionate Android developer and a Pluralsight author. Since Android 2.2, he has been helping companies have clean and stable Android applications. He currently lives in Berlin and is an active member of the Android community.
