Chet recently left the Android team at Google after 14 years. He is currently pursuing an MFA in comedy screenwriting, after which he hopes to [insert pure speculation here].
Chet Haase
Speechless, Droidcon Edition
Come to this session to learn... absolutely nothing.
Take a break from all of the serious, technical talks and come have fun at this comedy session, where speakers will improvise short talks for slides they've never seen before.
Talk Title
Lessons Learned from a Surprisingly Long Career in Tech
I left Google in March, where I had worked exclusively on the Android team for 14 years. This was not only the end of that job, but the end of my very long tech career. I've worked all around Silicon Valley, in startups, big companies, small companies, and as a contractor, since 1993. After all that time doing similar things, it was time for a change (I'm now in grad school for comedy screenwriting).
My journey may not apply to you, since everyone is unique and navigates their own career path. But I'll talk about the things that seemed to work for me, plus other random opinions I have on tech, working, careers, companies, and making time for side passions.
Bring your questions. I'll try to shut up and leave time for Q&A.